Magnificent creature and art maker


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Aurora's Legacy

Aurora is a Norwegian artist and extraordinair born in 1996. She first started singing and writing music when she was six years old and debuted with her EP "Running with the Wolves" in 2015. Since then she has been an inspiration to many.

Her kindness and idealistic worldview make you hopeful that this world can and should be a better place. The honesty and rawness she incorporates into her music make her relateble and unique at the same time. Apart from making music she loves being in nature, dancing through the forest and being hidden from the world. To cultivate her spark within it is necassry to retreat and be by herself sometimes.


My favorite songs by Aurora

Cure For Me

This is the first song I've heard from Aurora. The first thing that drew me in was the catchiness of the song. I also could relate to the lyrics and I found them very uplifting


July 7th, 2021


"I don't like the tension, the misapprehensions aout our nature in love. The glorious teachers are no use for creatures who knows how to play with the gods. You got nerves But they never show unless they hurt. So you blamed it all on my love, the moving heart I got. But I don't need a cure for me."

Running with the Wolves

I absolutely adore the vocals in this song. It is a joy to sing along even though I can imagine that at times I sound like a wolf myself! This song makes me feel wild and free.


April 20th, 2015


"Go row the boat to safer grounds. But don't you know we're stronger now. My heart still beats and my skin still feels. My lungs still breathe, my mind still fears.
But we're runnin' out of time. All the echoes in my mind cry. I'm running with the wolves tonight."


This song makes me euphoric and hopefull for a better world. I love the lyrics, about everybody being welcome in Aurora's queendom. It all just really resonates with me.


April 16th, 2018


"The underdogs are my lions. The silent ones are my choir.
The women will be my soldiers. With the weight of life on their shoulders. Drink until you've had enough. I'll drink from your hands. I will be your warrior.
I will be your lamb."

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More music by Aurora